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It's all about Love ...

I've been doing some serious thinking over the past few days, the product of all that thinking along with my conversations with several people has resulted in this post ....

The main reason I started this blog was to reach ppl with the Good News, that Jesus Christ is real and He is a God of today.... The reason I say this is coz I see a world out there, full of people, some hurting, some hopeful, some angry, eccentric, sad, happy, religious, loving, searching for hope, fanatical, the list just goes on and on .... No matter who we are, where we come from, or what we all believe in, we are all in search of just one thing and that is the TRUTH ... truth to satisfy this deep thirst within ourselves .... Truth basically about two things, life and love .... And we have all come to some conclusions from various life experiences, whether it s a particular religious belief or a scientific fact, or belief in our own selves ... all that we do is to satisfy that thirst for the truth ....

And from watching people silently from the backseat of life, this is something I've noticed ... Oh and please bear with me if I sound lyk I'm going off topic .... When you experience something so real, wonderful, enriching, amazing, touching and powerful, what is your natural response ??? You feel like sharing it with the person you love the most, right ??? U share it with family, friends, neighbours ... sometimes in our excitement we even share it with absolute strangers .... That abundance of joy, and happiness just bursts out of you like an overflowing dam .... So after all this you are probably wondering wat my point is ... Well my point is this:

Why has the church today lost that simple passion of just sharing with people the same love that we have experienced in our relationship with Jesus ????? Hey, dont get me wrong here I am not accusing anyone .... See I'm also guilty of getting so caught up in trying to evangelize someone that sometimes I forget that I first need to love them ... When Jesus was asked which commandment was the greatest, He replied saying "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment, and a second is like it, you shall love yor neighbour as you do yourself" He further goes on to say that these two commandments sum up the entire law and it all depends upon these ....

And the only way we can love God and love others, is when we realise the extent of God's love for us... I remember this as I speak of His love:
" I asked Jesus, "How much do you love me?", He said, "This much" and stretched out His arms and died for me, a sinner."
 And this is the ultimate truth that I've learnt about love and life, Jesus is the way the truth and the life, along the way in my search for life, He found me, and because He is Love, I am no longer searching but experiencing Him and His Love for me, and this is my aim in life now, to share with everyone I meet this love and life that I am experiencing ....