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Submission Is Worship

I was reading this book called 'Purpose Driven Life' by Rick Warren with my friends and about three chapters were all about worship. And the author connected Worship and Submission. And as I read it I began to understand that worship is an act of love, submission is a way of showing God we love Him, and submission is giving God our all, we can't say " God I love you and I submit my
life to you but there's this one part of my life I'm really happy with so just don't interfere with that " No, that is not submitting to God's will. I've come to understand life as a huge painting with God as the painter and all of us as the painting, when things happen we don't always understand it becoz we can't see the other side of the picture, only the painter can ..... so we must trust Him and when we do so we are saying " God I love You "

Hebrews 5:7
 During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him
from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.

If Jesus submitted his will into the Fathers hand must we not do the same ???

It's probably not the easiest thing to do coz it means giving Him everything we cherish and carrying the cross of Christ instead, but the Bible says that His burden is lighter, and God will never give you more than you can handle. Christianity is not a road of peace and tranquility, belief in Jesus will give you the peace that passes all understanding but we are in a war against the devil, which I might add is already over but still we must fight the good fight, keep the faith and finish the race, and it means we must live a life of sacrifice for Jesus which all starts with submission.

Another thing I would like to say is that worship is not only singing songs in the church, everything we do from waking up in the
morning ( yes, even Monday morning ) till we fall asleep at night, we can do it for the glory of God, our Daddy, our Friend, and that is TRUE WORSHIP.