I wrote this one day when one of my teachers was absent, my bench mate was also absent that day and so I was alone and from the back of my class I could see all of my class mates and I realized that everyone was engaged in meaningless chatter. And so I just began to ponder away on what might actually be going on in the mind of the ppl around me ( not to say that my guesses were right ). The things that ppl do and say is all a grand scheme to hide who they really are on the inside. I saw ppl laughing loudly to hide the insecurity on the inside, some ppl were so quiet maybe becoz they think that they are superior to everyone else or maybe becoz they are really really scared or hurt, then there were those who just kept on and on talking, maybe to cover up all the turmoil and confusion in their lives and hearts.
And during all this time I was reminded of the book of eclesiastes in the Bible where the author repeatedly says " Meaningless everything is meaningless ... ".
And still more thinking on this leads me to wonder where we as christians fit into all of this. In my previous post I 'The BIG Difference' I wrote about how there is a huge distinction between pleasing and obeying God, well I think at times like this, even though it is difficult to be alone, it is the only way that we can obey God. The Bible says that ' we are in the world but we are not of the world and if I pretend that I'm not a christian and laugh out loud without real joy and speak without meaning then I guess that makes me a fool. Yes, I said a fool and rather than trying to look cool among friends I rather be a fool for standing up for what I believe. But the thing is I've been foolish for a long time, following my own desires, when I should have been listening to God's voice.
I've always wanted to belong to a group, to be like others but I'm realizing, day by day, to be like Jesus I have to walk the path he did, and it started out with 40 days ALONE in the wilderness.
For me and you that means, even if the whole world is doing something, which you know, according to the Bible is wrong and even your own brothers and sisters in Christ are doing the same thing which you know to be wrong then you have to be alone, at that moment I had to be alone. But I knew that I would grow stronger and so will you if you just take this walk of faith with Jesus.
The thing is in actual fact we are not lonely, we have our Friend, Father and Guide Jesus holding our hand and leading us towards the goal, a closer relationship with God. And if we make it through this phase of life then it is not the end of the journey but the beginning of a new journey or continued strong walk with God.
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