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You can walk above your problems when you keep your eyes on Jesus and trust Him
                                      - 100 Days of Favor (Joseph Prince)

How He LOVES Us ....

As a christian u dont automatically become perfect, it doesnt mean that u'll never ever do anything wrong ever again ... it means that even if u do ... there's an amazing God, who loves you soo much, He's willing and able to forgive u ... to pick u up, dust u off and send u on ur way to fulfilling the plans and purposes He has set out for u .... His love for u and me is so strong and powerful .... And nothing we've ever done or will do can change that .....

This is an amazing song called How He Loves by David Crowder Band .... I just happened to hear some of my favorite worship songs remixed for the first tym and so as I was searching for more of such songs, I found this and it is so awesome ... This song coupled with the message speaks volumes ... I hope God touches u as u listen ...

I don't want to gain the whole world ....

I really love this song, 'Lose my Soul' by TobyMac ..... It is so true ..... 'I dont want to gain the whole world and lose my soul' .... But I also know, that doesn't mean that God wants me to be poor and pitiable, Jesus took all sin, sickness and poverty on the cross 2000 yrs ago .... So we can all become righteous thru believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus and confessing the fact that we are all sinners in need of forgiveness, we can be free from sickness because 'By His stripes we are healed' (Isaiah 53:5) and we no longer have to live in poverty because it is conquered, it only has as much power as we allow it to yield over us ..... And poverty is not always poverty in terms of money...... it is also poverty of spirit .....
So what more do we need, We've got more than the world can ever offer ....

Reminiscing .....

As my cousins' birthday approaches with the coming of August, I've been reminiscing a lot about all the times we had together.... She was involved in a tragic accident, just 20 days after she got married, which took her away from us ..... It was really hard to deal with the pain in the beginning .... For a long time, everything I did was a painful reminder that she was gone .... But now I know that one day we will meet each other ..... So I dont feel the pain of her not being here, I know that she is in heaven and when my God appointed time comes that's where we will meet .....

I've posted this pic because this is her dog .... His name is Spooky .... She loved this picture and I think it was the last thing I mailed to her ..... This picture brings to memory her smiling face whenever she played with him and also the day when she passed away (10th of Dec. 2009), how much Spooky howled and howled, he knew that she was no longer here ..... He knew that she was gone .... I snapped this pic the day before her wedding .... I mean look at him he is soo cute .... So well .... I guess this pic means a lot to me .....

So this is in memory of her ....

Third Day - Cry Out to Jesus

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"Our God is a faithful God, sometimes we may not be faithful to Him, but He is always faithful to His words, He is ALWAYS faithful to us, so don't be afraid about your present situation, He will lead you in the right path."

I am the Beloved of Christ ....

This song (Beloved by Tenth Avenue North) is one of my favorites, the lyrics are so meaningful ....

Nothing can change the fact of His love for us, in times of difficulty our faith in Him may waver, our love for Him may waver...... BUT if we put our trust in HIS LOVE THAT NEVER FAILS, then we can have a hope that nothing can ever take away, we can be firmly planted on the solid rock foundation that is JESUS CHRIST, and though the rains come down and the floods come up we will NOT fall ....